
My Journey with ACCA – Experience by Asmita Thapa

July 26, 2019

A lot of young people are stuck, not knowing their purpose in life. They lack direction and oftentimes, even a destination.  They’re desperately worried about their career and future. Every career option seems fascinating, at the same time none seems convincing enough. Fresh out of high school, I was no different. Then ACCA rescued me from this dilemma.

Journey with ACCA – Experience by Asmita Thapa

I was referred to ACCA by a close family member who is an economist and a successful businessman. Neither I nor my parents had ever heard of ACCA before, but he convinced us that it is a very forward-looking course and the right kind of course to suit my needs of a practical knowledge-oriented education. Initially, I was lured by the foreign certificate I would attain, but what actually got me enrolled in ACCA was the flexibility it had to offer in its exams: the three months exam cycle, the computer-based format, and multiple-choice questions. For a girl who believes she has big things in store for her and is willing to work hard for it, but is heavily struck by exam anxiety, I was relieved. Now I could pace my exams so as to fit my own needs of rebuilding my exam confidence.

In the first week itself, I knew accounting definitely was my field of interest, with logical and factual topics, even more interesting to me than what I learned in +2 Science. I thoroughly enjoyed studying F1. Even amidst the chaos of my anxiety, I knew one thing for sure- all that matters eventually is knowledge and exams are secondary. When I learned that in exams we were even given a formulae sheet including hard-to-memorize relations, I asked the teacher in utter disbelief why ACCA was being so lenient. He told me that ACCA needs us to know how to apply the formulae, not rot-learn something one can google, copy and paste anytime.  With that conversation, I knew I had not only chosen a professional course, but a way of life. I had found my passion. And all ACCA expected of me was to have a head full of concepts and be able to pour at least 50% of what I know in the exams. And even if I scored only the bare minimum to pass, I would still be treated with the same respect as those who score 100%. When all the lecturers, fellow students and the ACCA team itself are so motivating, uplifting, helpful and humble, it becomes easier to pick up the same traits of wanting to learn more, share more and treat everyone with reverence. It has helped me boost up my confidence a great deal, and I have been able to regain my esteem with every passing exam. Now I am aiming well above mediocrity in life, dreaming big and as ACCA suggests, “thinking ahead”.

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ACCA on its part never fails to show that it truly cares for us students- be it by regularly publishing articles and study resources on its website or by sending emails and newsletters reminding us to prepare well for exams or by organizing various events to equip us with skills required in future accountants. ACCA keeps regularly updating its syllabus to make it more relevant with time and to incorporate emerging topics in accounting. It has very well embraced digitalization through its CBE exam format. Not only that, it highlights the importance of ethics and emotional intelligence, the knowledge of which is very important to this generation of professionals that is slowly losing core human values and empathy to a money-minded business culture. ACCA has been constantly grooming us for real-life scenarios, not just for the workplace but for every walk of life.

I am amid my journey to being an ACCA and after completion, I am secure that I will become a responsible accountant and a worthy citizen of the globe. I hope to be able to give back to the ACCA fraternity in substantial ways by living up to the spirits of ACCA and advocating for proficient, ethical, humanitarian practices of accounting.

Want to know more about acca course: Resources of ACCA

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Asmita Thapa

Student Seed Financial Academy