
Staying Motivated During ACCA Exams

May 23, 2022

How do I Stay Motivated to Study for ACCA Exams?

ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is a prominent professional accounting organization that offers Chartered Certified Accountant qualifications to desiring financial professionals worldwide. The ACCA delivers a comprehensive package of rational education and good skill practice, which further helps you have a successful organizational career and handle an enterprise association. Completion of the ACCA course and 13 examinations usually takes 3 years. After completing the exam successfully, you will be recognized as an ACCA member. However, preparing for the ACCA Exam can turn out to be hectic. The pass percentage of ACCA students in some papers is less than 35%.

Stay Motivated During the ACCA Exam?

The below data is not mentioned to scare you but educate you that you are not alone if you feel not motivated enough to study for your ACCA exams. Do not beat yourself up and be discouraged. Instead, perform your plan. Don’t have a plan? It’s fine. We got you covered. ACCA has a lot of topics to be protected, and there is only one way to get it all done ‘a innovative study plan’.

Here is a set of 5 such innovative study plans that can help you this ACCA exam season:

  1. Create an applicable timetable.
  2. Make yourself a handy question bank.
  3. Have a clean, efficient study space.
  4. Are you using all the resources available?
  5. Why don’t you consider group study?

1. Create an applicable timetable

Most of us have tried this. Having a timetable is excellent and can help you become productive but only when you can apply it smoothly. To become effective, we often set tight schedules and inapplicable high goals. Studying for ACCA exams with a tight schedule can be demotivating; hence having a timetable with realistic goals and a consistent approach is more helpful. Adding some break time is always a good idea to overcome boredom and stay motivated.

2. Make yourself a handy question bank.

A handy question bank works best if you want to practice effective learning. Notes are not enough if you’re going to have a clear picture of what possible questions you might be asked in the examination. ACCA can be hectic if you prepare with just notes. Notes provide a clear description of syllabus content, whereas a question bank consists of all the past questions and possible questions. As a result, the question bank also covers all the crucial topics.

3. Have a clean, efficient study space

Yes, you have a clean, efficient study space matters. Why? Well, you cant sit at the dinner table and complain about getting distracted while studying. Create a space where your study materials are in place, the environment is noise-free, and you feel like sitting without any discomfort. When you are in comfort and peace and have a clean, accessible desk, you want to spend time in that particular space, studying or writing. Besides, keep in mind that your preferences might be different from those of others. Watching someone learn while listening to music might pop questions in your head like, “How? I cant learn while listening to music. Why?” It’s wonderful. Do not get influenced by others’ ways; know yourself and find your perfect way of learning.

4. Are you using all the resources available?

How to get the most out of ACCA? No, lectures and books are not the only sources of knowledge and preparation. If you do not want to miss out on anything important, check out all the free resources. There are plenty of study materials available online for ACCA exam preparation, and the best thing is that these resources are free. You can visit the ACCA website and get the most out of it. These resources help you cover the entire syllabus and also ensure enough practice. In this way, utilizing the available study resources will help you with ACCA preparation in the best way possible without wasting any money.

5. Why don’t you consider group study?

Group study? Oh no! I can only study in peace all alone. Group studies often end up as tea parties; I am out. Ok, if you remove the gossiping part, the group study is not alarming. It’s the best way to overcome the problems you have been facing for a long time. Besides, group study can be constructive because it does not only help you with the existing situation but also lets you explore several ways of tackling problems. Your friends might have a different concept, an easier one about a question than yours, so it’s always good to consider other people’s opinions and techniques while solving problems. And what other way to do it better than a group study. In a short period, group study is good if you want to clear concepts or overcome any existing problem. Additionally, the techniques you learn in a group study can be convenient even long term.